Pinterest Blogger | Couple Wealth
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If you are not using Pinterest as a form to try and boost your traffic you are missing out. For many bloggers, Pinterest is one of the main ways they draw traffic to their site.

The best part of it is that Pinterest is free. Whether you write about fashion, food, parenting, homeschooling, marriage life, crafts, or anything in between you can promote your post on Pinterest and gain traffic.

Now there are some tips and tricks I will share below on how to gain more traffic from Pinterest. You can invest in programs that allow you to schedule pins, or you can hop on and post them randomly throughout the day.

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog

Today we’ll dive into the topic of getting traffic to your blog from Pinterest. This free social media platform is more than “just another social media site”.

Pinterest behaves more like a search engine and is an important site to be a part of. If you haven’t signed up and created your blog brand Pinterest account yet, please do so now! This is a simple and free way to drive traffic to your website.

Be Consistent

Pinning at least 25 pins throughout the day can really help keep you in people’s news feeds who follow you. You can toss in a few of your articles in there as well to keep your content relevant and in eyesight.

Create Pins That Look Pretty

Have you ever been scrolling through Pinterest and just love the pairing of colors and letters on the pin? That is what draws your readers in, and you want to make sure the pictures are clean and clear, have nice readable writing, and look pretty to the eyes. Like I stated above, if you are not good at this, hire someone.

Generally, 700×1400 or 735×1102 are great sizes for your pins, if you are unsure as to what works best. Vibrant colors, clean, and has a font that captivates.

You can even purchase stock photos to ensure that your pins are high quality, another option is to use premium Canva to create pretty pins.

Create a Blog Board

Create a blog board on Pinterest that is just for your blog articles. This makes it easy for your followers to see your pins to your articles, and follow you completely or just follow that board.

When you pin each time make sure you put a good description to each pin, link to your blog article, and have that image looking great.

In addition to this, you can have your blog posts feed directly to this blog board.

How to Feed the RSS to Pinterest Blog Board

  • Log into your Pinterest account.
  • Click your profile image in the upper right-hand corner to see a menu dropdown.
  • Click settings and then click the “claim” button on the left-hand side.
  • Within this area, you’ll insert your blog URL.
  • After your blog is claimed, following Pinterest’s instructions, you can have your blog RSS feed automatically put new blog posts into your blog board.

This process happens automatically each time you publish new blog content. I would check to make sure the first few blog posts do get auto-posted on your Pinterest’s blog board.

Once you confirm this is working then there’s nothing more you need to do other than schedule pins for other users to keep your feed relevant with other people’s info regarding your niche.

Write Keyword-Rich Descriptions

Each pin has an area where you can write a title & description telling readers what the pin is about. To maximize your reach, make sure it is detailed and includes 1-2 sentences to give your followers insight as to what they will get if they click.

Use captivating words to really help them want to click (how-to’s, click to find out more, check out, etc). Use the keyword in both the title and pin description to get the most traffic to your pin.

keyword rich pins

Pin Randomly and Find Golden Hours

You can look at your Pinterest Analyzer and see times that you get the most hits or peak times for your pins. You might find that Fridays are best for your recipes, Saturdays your craft pins go crazy, and Tuesdays are wonderful for parenting.

Try to make sure you offer pins around the clock, using a service like Tailwind Create, so that you can really see what times peak and what times don’t really get any traffic. Then after a while, you can look through your data and really decipher your golden hour time of pinning.

Always Brand Your Pins

If you do want your blog URL or a watermark on your pins make sure they are smaller in size. Have it on a bottom corner of a pin and don’t make it stand out too much, that can deter people from clicking.

It can also make your pins look cluttered. So if you do add your branding keep it small and simple.

When you do make your Pins consider giving them a similar look, so when they see the font on the top, the image under, it has the same feel as all your other pins that they begin to recognize your work.

A lot of bloggers will pick a couple fonts they want to use, colors, and keep things looking the same. I like to use the Canva Pinterest Templates to keep my branding similar.

Pin to Multiple Boards

Say you have a muffin recipe, you can create multiple boards that fit the criteria for a muffin recipe. Then at different times, you can pin it to a board to help draw in new traffic from new followers or people who haven’t seen it before.

You might also consider joining group boards, it has a higher reach because so many bloggers join together for a specific board.

Group boards are a fun way to collaborate with like-minded bloggers that will help boost your content as you help boost their content on Pinterest.

To Join a Group Board on Pinterest

The best way to join a group board on Pinterest is to reach out to the owner of the board to ask them if they’ll add you to the team. Here’s how to join a group board on Pinterest to help build website traffic:

Click on the board you’re interested in joining. Click the + button below the board title.

When you click the + button you’ll see a list of all the collaborators. You can then reach out to the person listed as the owner on the group board. While this owner may not see your request on Pinterest right away, they will eventually see it.

You can join Pinterest group boards by asking your blogging groups, too! Many bloggers are more than happy to add more people to their Pinterest boards to help build website traffic.

There you have it, the best way to use Pinterest to build website traffic. You’ll need to create a blog Pinterest account, create keyword-friendly boards, develop a board for your blog brand, and feed your blog posts automatically to a Pinterest board using the instructions above.

Don’t forget about pinning other people’s content using Tailwind, and sit back while you wait for that website traffic to come zooming over to see what you have to say.

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