business marketing | CoupleWealth
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Business promotion and business marketing cost a lot of money. If you are a new entrepreneur or own a small business, you may be on limited budget or have no budget for marketing and promoting your products and services.

If you are on a tight budget and cannot bear the cost of a marketing campaign over a period of time, here are some low-cost business promotions and business marketing ideas.

All of these business promotions and business marketing ideas may not be appropriate for the kind of business, however, some of these may come in handy.

Low-Cost Digital Marketing Ideas for Traffic and Revenue

In order to generate revenue on your blog, you need a lot of traffic. Traffic makes you money in two ways, one through ad impression (if you are running CPM ads), two through conversion (ad click, sales completed, sign ups etc.).

For the blogs, especially the new ones, it is very difficult to get traffic. Unless you have done a proper SEO and advertised and promoted your blogs on various platforms, traffic is hard to come.

SEO is a proven strategy to gain traffic to a website. SEO will help your website rank higher on search engines and when your website ranks high on search engines, you are likely to receive a lot of search traffic.

Search traffic is organic traffic, people visit your site through search engines because they are interested in your site. Interested in your site means they are much likely to interact with the ads. When the visitors interact with the ads (click ads, buy products etc/), you will make money.

However, in most cases, getting search traffic on the blog is very rare or negligible. Some of the reasons are:

  • The blogger does not know much about SEO and the blog has not been properly optimized for search engines.
  • The blogger is on a limited budget and hence cannot hire an SEO specialist to do SEO on his site.

Low Cost Blog Marketing Ideas for Traffic and Revenue

You are not getting search traffic does not mean it is an end to getting traffic on your blog. You can market your blog or advertise your blog so that you can get traffic. Advertising is not always expensive. There are a lot of ways to advertise your blog when you are on a low budget. Here are some ideas:

Forum Promotion

Look for webmaster or marketing forums. These forums will allow you to advertise on a low budget. Some forums eve offer free advertising. One forum that I find very useful is ForumPromotion.Net. You can not only advertise for a small amount but also use the features like posting package or post exchange on this marketing forum.

Guest Posting

You can do guest posts on popular blogs and websites for a small amount. Guest posting not only gives you a do follow backlinks that help in search engine ranking but also traffic to your website. You can find about guest posting offers on webmaster forums or even on facebook groups.

Influencer Marketing

Hire a social media influencer. Pay the marketer for facebook, twitter, instagram, reddit, Pinterest promotion. How much you have to pay for the marketer depends on the number of followers the marketer has on the social sites.  

Social Media Advertising

You can also advertise on facebook or twitter. Boost your facebook post or sponsor your tweet. You can advertise on facebook or twitter for a small fee.

Search Engine Marketing

Generally speaking, search engine marketing works well for the sites that have products to sell. However, you can also do search engine marketing for your blog. The best thing about search engine marketing is you will receive organic traffic.

If you are doing search engine marketing, monetize your site with CPA ads (affiliate ads). Since you make more money from CPA ads compared to PPC ads, you will easily recover the money you spent on advertising.

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